POINNEWS.COM – The Jakarta Legislative Council (DPRD) Commission A, instructed the Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) to prepare for disaster mitigation in the face of extreme weather.
That statement was conveyed in the working meeting about the General Policy on the Budget Amendment Policy (KUPA) and Temporary Regional Budget Priority and Ceiling Amendment (KUPA-PPAS) for the City Budget (APBD) 2022 at Grand Cempaka, Bogor, West Java, Tuesday 11 Oktober 2022.
Commission A Secretary, Karyatin Subiantoro said that in the draft KUPA-PPAS APBD Amendment 2022 amounting to Rp 81,252 billion, disaster management mitigation should be budgeted.
He then prompted BPBD to continuously provide information to the public when flooding hits Jakarta.
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“This is to anticipate flood victims,” he stated.
He hoped that the Population and Civil Registration Agency (Dukcapil) and Fire and Rescue Agency (Gulkarmat) could work together in preparing for disaster mitigation.
“They have to prepare as early as possible to anticipate unwanted things due to extreme weather,” he concluded.
In response to this matter, Jakarta BPBD Secretary, Marulitua Sijabat explained that his party had alerted a 267-strong rapid reaction team.
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They would coordinate and go directly to the field.
“They will immediately activate all facilities and infrastructure for mitigation, if the intensity of rainfall increases in the future,” he stated.
His party had also prepared a buffer stock to anticipate the evacuation of residents whose areas were affected by flooding.
This buffer stock consists of packaged rice meals and other necessities such as toiletries, clothes, mineral water, as well as tents and tarpaulins if needed.
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Aside that, residents who need help can directly call the emergency number 112 which operates 24 hours.
“We are ready to answer all reports from the public 24 hours, seven days a week. So, please use this emergency service. We will follow up on the report soon,” he closed.***